Question for the dog lawyer and Spindletop group of regulars who seem to haunt the internet these days: do you truly believe the raid was a fairy tale created by the county and HSUS? According to pro-Spindletop internet postings, all of the dogs were well cared for and tossed into the loving arms of Leah and her Spindletop helpers by uncaring losers across the United States? It's all a big conspiracy.
The following article was printed July 23, 2012 and is being reprinted today. Whether one person reads it or a hundred makes no difference. The American Pit Bull Examiner is interested in printing the truth and saving animals. Period.
For those of you who still contend the stories are all made up fairy tales, linked below are the three rebuttals with every misspelled unfounded allegation from the dog lawyer clearly addressed.
Regarding the several trolls from Leah's camp who think this situation is humorous, some of us do not consider mass death and animal abuse a laughing matter. Hopefully, the criminal court system will address the severity of your crimes.
"Inside a Living Nightmare: Recap of Spindletop Raid
Rescuers and common people from across the United States poured into the little courtroom with pictures and documentation to try and locate the dogs they'd spent unknown thousands of dollars to board at the Spindletop Rescue in Willis, Texas. Believed by all these good people to be a reputable and kindly refuge for sometimes troubled and abused dogs, these rescue groups and citizens truly believed their dogs were being cared for and made ready for adoption.
Most of us, including Reunion Rescue, posted the dogs on our websites and adoption accounts like Petfinder to try and secure loving homes for these dogs. Many of us drove for hours to reach Judge G. Trey Spikes courtroom. We were first warned to keep our mouths shut and behave by the on charge deputy. Many of us had already begun to receive hate mail and Facebook postings suggesting we, the rescuers, were the ones to blame for this tragic and horrible abuse. The event was beginning to smack and reminiscent of how victims are treated after being raped, as if they are the criminals.
We sat in the courtroom waiting. We spent the day waiting, many of us talking about our pets at Spindletop, not knowing if they are alive or dead. Stories began to surface that were terrifyingly similar. Leah Purcell had told many a story that their dog had been 'rescued and adopted by her friend down the road who had a ranch.' I, for one, began to feel like Shelley Duval in 'The Shining' when she read her crazed husband's manuscript which repeated, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," over and over for 500 some odd typewritten pages.
We continued to sit and wait. We saw Leah Purcell and her larger than life attorney, Texas Dog Lawyer, Zandra Anderson, parade through the room. They were followed by James 'Cowboy Mind' Brewer, the Spindletop treasurer so many of us Paypaled our monthly thousands and thousands of dollars. He sidled by us without a care in world in his Dumb and Dumber shirt. April was there, the sullen ranch hand who was supposed to help care for the animals. The hunched over mother, Louise Purcell, who had 80 dogs stacked in filthy crates throughout her house was in attendence. Looking at them was like watching rejects from 'The Hills Have Eyes' movie.
Constable Tim Holifield, the Montgomery County Precinct 3 adjunct spoke to us. He explained what might or might not happen. When HSUS involvement was mentioned, many of us shuddered. We'd read about other raids in which dogs had been euthanized that HSUS had a hand in. Again, when we expressed our fears, we were reminded that we placed the dogs in harm's way.
After several weddings and an excruciatingly long recess, we were herded back into the courtroom. Constable Holifield spoke to us again and explained what could happen. The entire time, Leah Purcell and her attorney, Zandra Anderson, Texas Dog Lawyer, were negotiating to lessen the charges. This is the same attorney who stood on the ground where our dogs, like Reunion Rescue's Stella were buried attempting to negotiate release of her dogs and Leah Purcell's personal dogs.
The DA assistant appeared and read the agreement. Leah Purcell will never again be able to operate a rescue in Mongomery County. She gets her own dogs and her family dogs back while the rest of us will have to wait to find out if our dogs are even alive or dead.
I received a call late last night that Batgirl is safe and I am waiting to hear from Animal Farm Foundation when I may drive to Conroe to the 'undisclosed site' and pick her up. Disturbingly, the group had notified another agency about Reunion Rescue's Batgirl one hour before I finally received an email.
With other big name pit bull groups already using this situation to network their organizations, this was alarming. We have witnessed many of these disasters go wrong with dogs as in the Katrina situation, being 'humanely euthanized' once the fundraising dried up.
While in the courtroom awaiting judgement, we heard hours of dialogue regarding how well the dogs were being cared for. Donations from national pet stores, money from giant HSUS, and other support was listed and applauded. I stood up at that point with a small reminder.
When our dogs were on death rows across the United States, taken from horrible abuse situations and off the mean streets of cities spanning the nation to be sent to Spindletop, nobody offered to help us save them. These dogs only had us, the people in this courtroom and their small supporters to help them get these dogs saved and into boarding.
While we much appreciate the kindness now that the nation's eyes are on the dogs and certainly do not want to belittle these acts, I have to ask where was all this support when these dogs were in distress and only had us? Where is the support for the millions in shelters right now who need our help?
This horrible event should be a huge wake up call for all of us. We, as I've stated ad nauseum in my articles, must begin to support our local rescue groups who are doing the work and saving the animals. We must think about where our dollars are going that are intended to save lives. Are they going to huge salaries, trips to talk about dogs at conferences with meals and plane rides, big ranches in lush California real estate and other frivolous and unnecessary interests? While somewhere between 6 and 9 million animals are being killed in our shelters, it is time for a huge wake up call.
Please share this story and follow the American Pit Bull Examiner for updates about Batgirl, Amber, Angel and all the other dogs confiscated and hoped to have survived through a living Texas nightmare.
Today, Leah Purcell picked up her own unaltered pit bulls and other dogs to take them 'home' with her. While she reunites with her own un-abused pets, the rest us us continue to wait for word whether our dogs are alive or dead.
Please email if you have a dog boarded at Spindletop. We are working to organize so that all dogs will be carefully tracked with photographs and proof of ownership.
Follow and 'like' Victims of Spindletop Raid on Facebook where our stories and dogs affected by this incident can be shared:
Please share this story and follow the American Pit Bull Examiner for details about this situation.
Cindy Marabito of Reunion Rescue writes the American Pit Bull Examiner stories to save lives. Every click on a story donates to the animals
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According to one of the dog lawyer's complaints, the unaltered dogs picked up by Leah Purcell including Austin, Asia and Cooper, each pit bull breeds, were altered before the raid. Please furnish the date and vet records of the dogs' sterilizations and this article will be corrected. The American Pit Bull Examiner always reports the truth.
Please tune in tomorrow for the reprinting of the third article pulled by the dog lawyer. Trying to shut me up is like trying to control nature....think flood. I am from Beaumont, Texas, home of the real Spindletop gusher.
Pictorial courtesy Montgomery County Police Reporter:
...all dressed up and nowhere to go...
Cindy can you explain the thousands upon thousands of dollars that you filed bankruptcy on---you and Reunion Rescue? It appears you are nothing but a common thief who has screwed many people out of their hard earned money. Folks this is public record. Keep it up, there is much more to tell.
ReplyDeleteWe, like millions of other citizens, filed bankruptcy two years ago....Leah, your employer, was well aware of this. I've made no secret of our financial problems. I also went through a considerable IRS audit which I'm currently paying an offer in compromise and a home re-modification...which I offered to help Leah obtain due to her upcoming foreclosure. Amazingly, she used this helpful offer to try and bilk money from my unsuspecting donators.
DeleteI have no secrets and an impeccable rescue record. During the entire period I was undergoing problems with finances, bankruptcy, re-financing my home and the IRS audit, I continued to rescue animals and that includes raising thousands and thousands of dollars to pay boarding costs. I don't recall you people complaining too often when cashing in those Paypal dollars.
Having financial problems doesn't make me a bad person, but understand one thing...killing and hurting animals does make you a very bad person. Pictures certainly don't lie, do they?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete1)I have never worked with or for Leah.
ReplyDelete2)I have helped many dogs in my lifetime and have spent thousands of dollars in the process.
3)What pictures are those you speak of because contrary to what you say, not one picture of one dog that was at ST shows any neglect.
Again, this speaks volumes of how you speculate and talk out of your ass.
I was referring to the pictures of your group filing through the courtroom. You all look so innocent, right?
DeleteWRONG again Cindy. I'm not involved with anyone in that court room. Next.....
DeletePictures don't lie? Sounds like you have pictures of dogs in bad shape but nope you have pictures of "your group filing through the courtroom". You make less and less sense, Cindy.
DeleteRJ - I am unsure why you are supporting Leah Purcell. Everyone can agree that what she started was a wonderful sanctuary. What she is guilty of is not knowing her limits and not recognizing that she was way over her head. She took advantage of multiple rescues and individuals; bilked money and goods from them. In the end, the dogs needed rescuing all over again. Regardless of anything, Leah is guilty of hurting animals; she allowed 38 dogs to die from heat stroke under her watch, and allowed countless others to live in their waste with little light and interaction. If you would like to continue to say that not one dog looked starved or emaciated, that is fine. Whatever helps you get to sleep at night; supporting a dog killer as you are. What you should be very afraid of is the truth....its sets us all free.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm not defending Leah. I'm challenging what Cindy writes.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I sleep great at night because I do something EVERYDAY to help dogs in need. What do you do?
Our country was founded on challenging ideas, creating and then fourishing. But you cannot be allowed to support liars. Truthfully, I really want to know who you are and why you feel the need to be anonymous. For the record, I am a rescuer...I do MULTIPLE things EVERYDAY to help animals in my community and across the country. Tell us who you are...don't hide behind your anonymity. Here...I'll show you how you stand up and get counted:
DeleteWendy Schugar-Martin
The Freckles Freedom Fund, Inc.
(a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation dedicated to saving sick, homeless or unwanted bully breeds)
SchugarWAugust 15, 2012 9:43 AM
DeleteOur country was founded on challenging ideas, creating and then fourishing. But you cannot be allowed to support liars.
This is an interesting statement coming from someone who obviously support Cindy Marabito who would not know the truth of a fact if it hit her in the face.
EXACTLY Wendy. i will NOT support Liars! Did you read the post which says examiner writers do not need to be truthful? here is it in case you haven't.Period, end of story. The follow was not written by me, I just cut and paged from the article located in the bottom link. contributors such as Marabito are not required to have experience in journalism nor adhere to the truth of an incident. In fact, according to, they need only be "citizens of either the United States or Canada, 18 years old or older." contributors are encouraged to make their articles as popular as possible. The more popular an author's article, the more he or she will get paid.
"Examiners are independent contractors and receive competitive pay based on publishing frequency and Internet variables including page views, reader subscriptions, session length and advertiser interest," reads the website.
The more controversial Marabito's article, true or not, the more money it will likely make her. Marabito’s article already has about 6,000 Facebook “likes,” much more than for stories by news agencies which have been reporting on the incident.
No Cindy, millions of people do not scam people out of the money that you did---sorry try again. I think I am going to start posting your bankruptcy one page at a time every time I see a lie that you have posted or that someone else who believes your lies posts and let everybody decide for themselves just what kind of person you are.
ReplyDeleteYou really expect anyone to believe that you paid all of your boarding to Spindletop when you could not even pay your cell phone bills?
By the way, I am not Leah and I have no idea who her employer is nor do I care if her employer was well aware of this or not.
Stay tuned folks and you can see all of the money she has scammed and it is thousands and thousands!! Oh and you can see how many cars she has had repo'd and what she makes. This is all public record.
I would imagine that the bankruptcy court will find it very interesting since you were required under penalty to tell the truth about your debts, your bills and even the sums of money that you have paid out. Since we all have copies where you have stated that you paid $10,000 to Spindletop (but that was sure not liste), I bet the courts will sure be interested. Remember Cindy, karma really sucks.
so to become indebted is a crime, but to torture and kill innocent animals is something you obviously enjoy. Hmmmm.
ReplyDeleteOh Cindy, we are talking about you, not anyone else. Now try to focus on the subject at hand. You sure like to lie and twist the facts, don’t you? The fact is to spread vicious lies----things that you know for a fact you are lying about is not only wrong but despicable. To try to ruin someone’s reputation with those lies is the depth of despicable. As a matter of fact you are a despicable person and most people who know you are aware of that fact. You did not just go into debt, you spent and spent and spent knowing you could not pay for it. You stiffed good people out of their hard earned money. You even put Reunion Rescue, a rescue that did not even have dogs, into bankruptcy. Yes you are a model person, one that NO ONE should look up to. The whole world is about to find out what a model person you are too. I do feel sorry for Scott with his name dragged through the mud like your’s, but then again he picked you. Bet he is sorry about that. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm contributors such as Marabito are not required to have experience in journalism nor adhere to the truth of an incident. In fact, according to, they need only be "citizens of either the United States or Canada, 18 years old or older." contributors are encouraged to make their articles as popular as possible. The more popular an author's article, the more he or she will get paid.
"Examiners are independent contractors and receive competitive pay based on publishing frequency and Internet variables including page views, reader subscriptions, session length and advertiser interest," reads the website.
The more controversial Marabito's article, true or not, the more money it will likely make her. Marabito’s article already has about 6,000 Facebook “likes,” much more than for stories by news agencies which have been reporting on the incident.
A lie may take care of the present, but it has no future. ~Author Unknown