Carson Shelter - Gardena CA
Saving Carson Shelter Dogs
HAPPY is a very sweet senior that was surrendered today with his brother MILO. He is confused and upset and he doesn't understand why this is happening. He needs help and it would be best if he could stay with his lifelong bonded Brother MILO. Please SHARE for his life, he is VERY special and a FOSTER or ADOPTER would save him.
#A4915559 My name is HAPPY and I'm an approximately 9 year old male Bdr Collie. I am already neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 1/29. I will be available on 1/29. You can visit me at my temporary home at C243.
My former family who owned me for had to give me up because they were moving.
Carson Shelter, Gardena, California
216 Victoria Street, Gardena, California
310.523.9566, M-TH 12pm - 7pm, F-SU - 10am - 5pm
Carson Shelter - Gardena CA
Saving Carson Shelter Dogs
This little angel is upset and missing home. He has this sweet howl he does when no one is watching, probably call ing for his family. He needs help now. Please SHARE for his life, he is VERY special and a FOSTER or ADOPTER would save him. Thanks!
#A4919978 I'm an approximately 1 year old male Terrier. I am not yet neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/15. I will be available on 2/20. You can visit me at my temporary home at C217.
Carson Shelter, Gardena, California
216 Victoria Street, Gardena, California
310.523.9566, M-TH 12pm - 7pm, F-SU - 10am - 5pm
Sugar-pie in Bossier City, Louisiana
Friends of Bossier City Animal Control, Bossier City, La.
looking for happiness at Friends of Bossier City Animal Control, Bossier City, La..

Sugar-pie is a spayed female about 2yrs old. She is a love bug who is a very happy girl. Her smile is amazing. She needs a rescue or an approved adopter. She is great with other dogs and people at the shelter. This is one girl we NEED to SAVE. We're asking for everyone to SHARE help get her out of the shelter safely. By sharing her post, you never know who is looking for their perfect companion. How many shares can Sugar-pie get?? Please post SHARE in comments below so we can see you shared this very sweet and fantastic personality girl.
Message this page if you like to pull or adopt Sugar-pie♡ thank you #adoptdontshop #bossiercityla #shelterpupsrock
*****THIS IS A COPIED POST FROM FACEBOOK..the same account that imedia ethics and Amsterdog had American Pit Bull Examiner column shut down along with thousands of articles about dogs like this.
Manhattan Shelter, NYC, NY
***THEY USE TO SLEEP TOGETHER .... And, now they cry for each other.
Balboa and brother
Rocky have never been separated or away from each other - until now. Can you imagine no more children to play with, no more dog parks to run in, no more sleeping with your brother for comfort - the life you knew just gone one day! Little does Rocky know his brother
They are being surrendered because the owner is no longer allowed to have both in the home. He received them both from a breeder 2 years ago.
Socialization: They are very friendly and outgoing with strangers. They lived in a home with small children and played well with them. They get very excited when they hear or see other dogs.They play exuberantly with each other and are very vocal when they play. (growl, jump and mouth each others faces.) They have not been around cats. They have not bitten anyone or any other animal.
Behavior: Rocky and Balboa are always walked together 2 or 3 times a day. They love to go to the dog run and play with each other and other dogs. They enjoy baths and being hosed down in the street. They are well trained and according to the owner, allow to have their food bowl, treats, and toys taken away from them, even by the children in the home.
For a new family to know: Rocky and Balboa are described as friendly and playful. They may appear big but are cuddlly and affectionate. The owners favorite thing about them is that they are good listeners and are protective.
Rescue only - Not doing well in the shelter environment. Seems to be acting out. Remember his world has been turned upside down!
TO SAVE BALBOA, please go to his thread for assistance. Death row pups only get 18 hrs to find a home. KILLING STARTS AT 1:00.
Imedia page is stating 9 of every 10 dogs are saved at NYC Shelters...this post states these two will die today.
Mesa, ArizonaMCACC East Dogs
This poor boo is a "project dog" who volunteers are working with due to his fear. However, the poor kid has been sick and he isn't getting better. He is on Doxy, so hopefully we will see an improvement, but if not, he will have a medical deadline. Deadline or not, he really should be out in order to get better. He looked miserable today with nasal discharge and labored breathing.
He also has significant hair loss and the skin scrape was negative for parasites.
E269 / A3717061 (PREV. E339)
STRAY Intake Date: 2/3/2016 S43 BEH-FEA
02-12-16 Stays back of kennel would not allow handler to leash
2/3/16 Open wounds both front legs / feet, around it's neck and loss of hair; stray also walks with a limp (front).
02/03/16 Did not get up and walk- cannot assess if lame. Very timid/afraid- trembling badly once I started talking to him. Alopecia on head/neck, scars on front legs. Wounds I see appear superficial. Dog will not approach me. Will need to examine after dog calms down.
02/04/16 0Alopecia, erythema, and scabs noted along dorsal neck and pinna AU. Skin scrape. Give 750mg Cephalexin PO BID x 7 days. Unable to get dog to ambulate in kennel this AM to assess for lameness.
02/05/16 No change, BAR.
02/06/16 No change, BAR.
02/07/16 BAR. Walking normally.
02/09/16 BAR. Walking normally. Still waiting for skin scrape results.
02/11/16 Skin scrape from 2/10 was Negative for parasites.
02/12/16 No change, BAR.
02/13/16 Mild mucopurulent nasal discharge, BAR. Wt on 2/3 was 62.0#. Give 300mg Doxycycline PO SID x 10 days.
02/14/16 Resting quietly, crusts at nares, hiccups.
02/16/16 BAR. No signs.
02/17/16 Moderate mucopurulent nasal discharge, QAR. Ate all food offered overnight.
02/18/16 Moderate-heavy nasal discharge, QAR. Ate all food offered overnight.
02/19/16 BAR. Is sneezing and coughing this am.
02/20/16 BAR. Serous nasal discharge, no cough.
2/21/16 Mild mucopurulent nasal discharge, coughing, QAR. Continue to give 300mg Doxycycline PO SID. Also give 375mg Clavamox PO BID. Recheck 2/27.
02/21/16 No change, BAR.
*PLEASE NOTE* This page is not directly affiliated with the shelter and is run by volunteers to network the dogs at MCACC East.
MCACC East (602-506-PETS)
2630 W. Rio Salado Pkwy.
**MESA, ARIZONA 85201**
Hours open: 11AM-6PM Monday-Friday
11AM-5PM Saturday & Sunday
PLEASE keep sharing PETITION demanding an investigation into the illegal takedown of American Pit Bull Examiner!