Today is Saturday. I am going to exercise and play with the three dogs I've managed to redeem from the horrible nightmare at Spindletop. Last night, BeBe, who was formerly known as Batgirl, was suffering. This is not the same dog I entrusted to Leah Purcell in April 2011.
BeBe becomes terrified at night. What must have happened to these dogs when crated in their own urine, vomit and feces, some for years, has resulted in an extremely stressed dog for lack of a better description. I've read a little about babies born addicted to crack cocaine and that similarity is the closest I can venture to explain BeBe's condition.
My hope is that through herbal treatment and complete detox, her poor body can be healed and this dog's sanity and wellbeing can someday be restored. A couple of jokesters have joined the commentary to offer their input on the Spindletop disaster to champion Leah Purcell's Spindletop facility and the dog lawyer who represents her, Zandra Anderson.
While this blog and my column respect everyone's right to freedom of speech, I can't help being amazed at those who defend animal cruelty and outright murder. One of the former employees has described Purcell's do it yourself euthanasia as a sordid procedure in which she held the dog and poured liquid into the animal's nose until the dog drowned. I guess this is humorous to these people who continue to spew hate toward those of us seeking answers and justice for the dogs who suffered and died at the hands of Leah Purcell.
Below, I'll address the second complaint in which Zandra Anderson Dog Lawyer attacks Cindy Marabito and disrespects Leah Z, the owner and benefactor of Mea who was killed while trying to escape from Spindletop.
For those who have yet to review the actual complaints, each is linked below:
The last complaint deals with the article I wrote entitled "Spindletop Raid...where are our dogs?"
Even the title was misquoted in the dog lawyer's statement, but as both complaints are rife with grammatical and factual blunders, who can keep track?
The dog lawyer opens with her announcement she is providing pro bono council to the defendent, Purcell.
The dog lawyer quotes my piece in which I truthfully state, "People are begging Leah Purcell and her attorney Zandra Anderson for information about the dogs they've been unable to identify at the holding facility. Anderson knows the whereabouts and has given false and misleading ID numbers to the inquiringpartiesso [sic] desperate to find answers. Thissituation, [sic] which HSUS has described as precedent setting in its unique qualities, can be likened to that of a mass serial killer who holds information about his victims and refuses to share with broken families so they might gain closure."
Apart from the misprinted flaws, I stand completely behind this statement. In my files are hundreds of emails pertaining to dogs missing at Spindletop. Many of these dogs were claimed by Anderson to be at the holding center in Conroe. Searchers traveled to the holding site to view photographs, many departing empty handed with still no clue as to the location of their missing pets.
Serial killers historically plea bargain for a lesser sentence in exchange for disclosing the whereabouts of slaughtered victims so the families can gain some sort of closure and deal with their grief. The similarity here is as plain as the smiles on the faces of those posters who still seem to find this tragedy humorous. "Can be likened," or can it not be likened?
"It is supposed that Zandra Anderson is holding out to secure her client a sweet plea bargain for the criminal charges she is certain to face."
According to the dog lawyer, "criminal charges are not imminent in this case. As a rule, most do not eventuate into charges. Regardless, I do not represent Ms. Purcell in any criminal matter and will not be if charges are filed."
This is relieving to discover that Leah Purcell gets off with a slap on the wrist and no criminal charges will be filed. Certainly all of those who have lost dogs and had dogs killed at Spindletop will find comfort in Anderson's conclusion.
Good to know the dog lawyer will not be representing Purcell in the criminal case. We could all use a vacation from the dog lawyer. In fact, I know some dogs that won't be missing her in the least.
"When the news hit about the raid, Leah Z. began searching to find Mea. She did not have the money to fly from Ohio to Texas and started networking to get the airfare. The entire time, Leah Purcell and Zandra Anderson knew Mea had been killed, but withheld the information."
Comment from dog lawyer, "I have no idea who this "Leah Z" is and had no idea that she or anyone was looking for this dog. I did not withhold any information about this dog."
According to my sources, this information is absolutely false, however, by the end of this ordeal, I can make the dog lawyer a promise. She will certainly know who Leah Z and Mea are and in fact, she will never forget those names.
More from the dog lawyer, "This dog was lost during the seizure and labeled as a 'field escape' by the Humane Society, not anyone associated with the owner or the refuge. Not only did not [sic] I not withhold that infomration, there is no motivation for doing so. In fact, the dog was discovered a few days after the seizure by a Spindletop worker who saaw her alongside the road. She apparently had been hit by a car. I wrote a letter to Montgomery County informating them that the dog lost by the Humane Society during the seizure had been located."
May we see the time and date on your letter, dog lawyer? Hopefully, your date precedes our inquiry. And how long was Mea's body held at Spindletop before notifiying the authorities? So many questions lay unanswered regarding Mea's death. So many questions unanswered about all of the dogs and what went on at Spindletop.
Only the proprietress knows the real truth. And maybe her dog lawyer.
Will the rest of us ever know where our dogs are? Do we really want to know? Can we take the truth however grisly that might be?
Hope is there will be justice served. Hope is that the dogs' real owners who trusted Leah Purcell and Spindletop will each file small claims cases respectively, even to seek closure...the same closure one seeks from a mass serial murderer who holds all the cards.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Rebuttal: Texas dog lawyer, Part 3
animal abuse,
dead dogs,
dog lawyer,
Leah Purcell,
pit bull,
pit bulls,
Zandra Anderson

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THANK GOD FOR CINDY AND WE OF LIKE MIND! I stand in perceptual shock and horror of the Armageddon suffered by these innocent souls that were prisoners of Spindletop.
ReplyDeleteAgreed Lean Ann White ! I SUPPORT CINDY MARIBITO, and all the unfortunate people who thought they were doing the right thing by allowing their dogs, or dogs they rescued, to be placed at Spindletop. According to all the news reports, and according to reports posted by those people who were fortunate enough to get their dogs back from Spindletop, there HAS BEEN a mass murder of dogs that occurred there. What is this crap with people who will support such horrific findings that have been made public of what happened to dogs at Spindletop. So, Leah would pour fluid into a dog nostrils until it drowned? If that is what her former employees are saying, I do believe them. I've read posts from owners who got their dogs back stating the dogs had DOG BITES all over their faces and bodies, that their dogs had coccidiosis, pyometra, were nearly 50% underweight, and stressed to the max. If there are inhumane humane beings who can support such barbaric and horrendous acts of ANIMAL CRUELTY, they belong in the same class as the scumbag, lowlifes that ran Spindletop, leah, zandra, brewer and april. I knew leah since year 2000, and the last dog I got from her in year 2006 was in HORRENDOUS condition, he was heartworm positive; you could see every bone in his vertebral column, ribs and hips. I had him treated and my Vet was APPALLED that anyone would let a dog get into that condition. When I questioned Leah about his condition, she told me she had boarded him out with someone else. WHAT? Leah you are a b--ch, period. You are a liar and a piece of filth that I would spit in your face if I ever saw you again. I hope and I pray to God that you have the legal book thrown at you and your cohorts. I pray you all go to jail for a very long time. You did not have mercy on the dogs, I pray no one has mercy on you. You are despicable and disgusting. And for anyone reading this who thinks I have some nerve writing this, well, too bad. We still have free speech in this country, and if you can support this digusting pack of murderers, then I can say what I want too. Even Sherriff Holingfield stated in the video of the raid that CRUELTY TO ANIMALS LAWS HAD BEEN BROKEN AT SPINDLETOP. The dogs were locked in cages welded so tight they could barely open the crates to get the dogs out to rescue them. The dogs had NO WATER, NO FOOD, AND WERE LYING AND STANDING IN THEIR OWN FECES AND URINE. The stench in the house was so strong from the smell of ammonia from urine that the head of HSUS stated publicly that she and other rescuers had to put on mask to go in the house to get the dogs out. I wish there was a laws on the books that anyone who did such cruel and inhumane things to any person or animal would have the same thing done to them. So put these words I wrote into your brain and mull over them. I will pray everyday for justice for the dogs who died, disappeared, and who were innocent victims of the Spindletop house of horrors. Not to mention the crimes of stealing peoples money saying your boarding thier dogs, but instead your killing and torturing them. If you don't think it is torture to be locked in a crate too small to stand or turn around, to not have food, or water, to not have the ability to get out of the crate to defecate or urinate? I then suggest you lock yourself inside a very very small room, with no ventilation, no fan, no A/C, no window to open, no TV, no cell phone, no food, no water, and no toilet. Stay there for 2 or 3 days, all alone with no contact with any living thing. I would like to see how you react to this you people who support the horrors of what was done to the dogs at Spindletop. And if I were the judge and jury, you would all be locked up in dog crates, just as I've described, to stay there until you were so filthy, so hungry, so thirsty that you would be begging for release, begging for life. That is what you all deserve you Spindletop filth, scum, low life. May God wrests judgement upon you.
ReplyDelete" The dogs were locked in cages welded so tight they could barely open the crates to get the dogs out to rescue them."
ReplyDeleteAnd just how long do you think a dog could have lived w/ out being given water and food? Because if they could barely open the crates to get the dogs out, there is no way anyone would have been able to feed and water them.
"HSUS stated publicly that she and other rescuers had to put on mask to go in the house to get the dogs out"
And of course they don't lie
DID you even read that is was the HSUS responsible for the dogs being in their own pee and poo w/ no food or water for over 10 hours?
You know what I heard? she used to sell the dogs to Vietnamese and Korean restaurants for food. My cousin Ed's Brother's Uncle's wife told me that!
May God Bless you too.
The dogs did get fed but not everyday.. which multiple ex-employees have confirmed. But did you know that water is a liquid??? WOAH. Imagine that, i bet their bowls could have even been filled with a hose through the bars! (If Leah cared enough to do even that) And guess what else?! Dog food can fit through bars and holes in crates TOO! MIND BLOWN. But obviously Leah and employees couldn't take 30 seconds per dog to throw a few handfuls of food in there right?? Cause while some dogs were a healthy weight, others were nothing but SKIN AND BONES. Picking favorites are we Leah? She was probably too busy lining her pockets with all the money she swindled out of her clients.
DeleteI bet that if you walked into a house filled with the "pee and poo" (what are you, 2?) of 80 dogs, YOU'D need a mask too!
Did YOU even know that it was LEAH who chose to take on all these dogs and cause them to be housed in their own urine and feces in the first place?
The entire raid didn't even TAKE 10 hours, so maybe you should stop making shit up, yeah?
None of this would have happened, if Leah was honestly concerned about the well being of Pitty's, hell if she was concerned about the well being of all dogs in general. But instead, it seems as though she was more interested in pocketing all the money and "donations", rather than using it to take care of the 300 EFFING DOGS IN HER "CARE".
If you're going to run a dog rescue, you NEED to know when enough is enough. You NEED to know and realize, that if you're in it for the profit, you're not going to be getting much if any at all.
"The dogs did get fed but not everyday.. which multiple ex-employees have confirmed"
DeleteAnd we know HOW reliable they are right? Please.
"The entire raid didn't even TAKE 10 hours, so maybe you should stop making shit up, yeah?"
So you are saying you were there? Because only someone who was there would know exactly how long it took.
Did you know that Montgomery County inspected ST over 20 times and NEVER once wrote a citation? Explain that one smart ass?
They're a hell of a lot more reliable than Leah or Zandra, thats for sure. At least they have the decency to TRY and help identify the dogs that were so wrongfully tortured in that hell hole. Maybe no one blew the whistle right away, but in the end it was an employee who turned Leah in.
DeleteActually, no. You didn't have to be there to know how long it took. Any one who has been following this story from the beginning would know how long it took.
Did you know that Leah most likely knew about the raid? Who's to say she didn't know about the rest of the inspections? It's not like she hasn't hidden dogs before. And i'd bet my money that she prolly has dogs hidden away right now too. How else can you explain so many dogs missing? Unless of course she killed them like she did to hundreds of others.
Go find something better to do. You're only here to cause trouble. Go join Leah's Cult on Facebook and bitch there.
lmao! Last I check, this is free country and everyone is entitled to free speech.
DeleteYou barely came on the scene little girl more than a month after this all took place so if anyone needs to shut the hell up it's you. Don't even pretend you know jack shit about what has gone on because your "FACTS" all come from unreliable sources.
Mine come from simple common sense, something you get with experience.
Now go back to playing w/ your Barbies!
Here is a little education for you.... contributors such as Marabito are not required to have experience in journalism nor adhere to the truth of an incident. In fact, according to, they need only be "citizens of either the United States or Canada, 18 years old or older." contributors are encouraged to make their articles as popular as possible. The more popular an author's article, the more he or she will get paid.
"Examiners are independent contractors and receive competitive pay based on publishing frequency and Internet variables including page views, reader subscriptions, session length and advertiser interest," reads the website.
The more controversial Marabito's article, true or not, the more money it will likely make her. Marabito’s article already has about 6,000 Facebook “likes,” much more than for stories by news agencies which have been reporting on the incident.
It's amazing to me that 'RJ' is aware of every single visit paid by Montgomery County to Spindletop....sounds like she the one who unlatched the gate for 'em...hmmmm.
DeleteThere you go again, making stuff up. You keep me so entertained. Thanks
DeleteTo RJ: Huh? WHO used to sell dogs to Vietnamese and Korean restaurants for food? WhO? You are not being clear about WHO you are referring to?? And, I am not niave' about what has been written about HSUS. However, what that person from HSUS said was iindeed backed up in words spoken by Sherriff Hollingsfield in the video of the raid. And, in addition, HSUS was not the people running Spindletop. So let's not try to sluff off the blame for what happened at Spindletop on anyone else, or any other group. The cruelty, and inhumane conditions the dogs were found in, at Spindletop, were the direct result of the actions or inactions of Leah, and whoever else was responsible for taking care of the dogs. You are the person who needs to get real. I fully suspect you are a mole/spy for those despicable spindletop people: leah, brewer, zandra and april. Shame on you !! No matter what you or anyone else thinks of HSUS, they in fact were there to do the dirty work. There are also other unsung heroes who helped clean up and take care of the dogs after they had been rescued. Some of the dogs were kept in good, or decent condition as a "front" used by leah so that when anyone brought dogs for her to take she could "impress" them. B-tch. She deliberately would not allow anyone to go inside the house. Why not? Because she was obviously hiding the dogs inside that were in horrible condition. I doubt the Sherriff would lie. He had been there for over 12hrs trying to get dogs OUT of the horror they were found in. He must have been exhausted, and he spit out the truth as he saw it. Seen as I have known leah since year 2000, I think I know a little more about her than you may know. She is in fact a cold hearted and selfish and cruel person. She puts on an act of being kind and caring when in fact she is not. She had not been taking good care of the dogs since I was at Spindletop in No Houston in July 2004. I spent a week there, as a volunteer, and believe me the dogs were crowded then, and april would not take care of the dogs, all she wanted to do was smoke and slut around with the illegal mexican workers that leah had hanging around all the time. It was me, and another worker and leah's mother who was taking care of the dogs. I told leah over and over again she had too many dogs, she should not take in anymore, that they were too crowded. She had a fire in one block building later in 2005, in which several dogs died and all because she would not remove flammable chemicals I discovered in there and told her to take out and warned her the chems could cause a fire. Did she listen and take the necessary steps to remove the danger for the dogs? NO !!! And her, april and all her workers smoked like crazy all the time. An accident waiting to happen, and it did happen and dogs died. What? This was the dogs fault? Now are you going to blame HSUS on that? Oh please, you better get your own head on straight. Again, if you or anyone else feels sorry for leah, zandra, brewer or april, you are all just as bad as they are, Period. No ifs, ands or buts, and don't God bless me and support spindletop and then go knock HSUS or anyone else. Maybe you worked for leah? If so, then why the hell didn't you report what what going on there and try to help the dogs instead of doing nothing? God will judge everyone at Spindletop who was not only responsible for the cruel and inhumane conditions the dogs endured, the deaths and horror, but He will also judge those who were there and did nothing, and those who support the cruel and criminal acts there. Have a nice day.
ReplyDelete"WHO used to sell dogs to Vietnamese and Korean restaurants for food? WhO?"
DeleteIt's called SARCASM!
And yes the HSUS was there to do the dirty work alright! To make it look really bad, to lie to the public because they know there are ignorant fools out there who believe their Bull!
"I told leah over and over again she had too many dogs, she should not take in anymore, that they were too crowded. She had a fire in one block building later in 2005, in which several dogs died and all because she would not remove flammable chemicals I discovered in there and told her to take out and warned her the chems could cause a fire. Did she listen and take the necessary steps to remove the danger for the dogs? NO !!!"
So why did you not report her if this was so bad? Why did you keep silent all these years? If this is true and you did kept silent then YOU are as responsible for the dog's deaths. contributors such as Marabito are not required to have experience in journalism nor adhere to the truth of an incident. In fact, according to, they need only be "citizens of either the United States or Canada, 18 years old or older." contributors are encouraged to make their articles as popular as possible. The more popular an author's article, the more he or she will get paid.
"Examiners are independent contractors and receive competitive pay based on publishing frequency and Internet variables including page views, reader subscriptions, session length and advertiser interest," reads the website.
The more controversial Marabito's article, true or not, the more money it will likely make her. Marabito’s article already has about 6,000 Facebook “likes,” much more than for stories by news agencies which have been reporting on the incident.