Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Devore Three and a Little Bird

Today was a very happy day. The Devore three were saved.

and yesterday, a little bird ran into my window. He got a little homeopathy and guess what?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Me, Pip, This is Us and God's Winged Horse

Today, Pip and I had a joyful experience. I've been slighting her of late. I was sick with a sinus infection and couldn't walk her for one week. She was the trouper she has always been, though. She is a survivor, that Pip.

We started off on our 3 mile hike. It was about 90 degrees and we both began to pant and sweat. I knew the walk was going to be special when Emmylou and Mark Knopfler aired on the radio singing This is Us.

We began to make up our own words. Whenever I hear a song with a special meaning, I always think of the dog and those songs. I tributed the dogs in my book with their special songs. 

We heard Dignity by Bob Dylan today and then God's Winged Horse by Buddy and Julie Miller. 

For a horsehead girl like Pip, I will always think of her when I hear this song. I remember those old nights I used to work in the sweat and the beer at that old club on East Riverside, the Back Room. I remember Julie and Buddy Miller playing there on Monday nights. 

I feel blessed to have heard their sweet music and I feel blessed to know Pip.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Peaches, Tiger and the Hayden Law

I have been so busy, I haven't even had a chance to blog haha. It's important, though, to note what is going on in the rescue community.

I am trying to write the Examiner articles every day. I believe that it's important to get the word out there. There are pit bulls and other animals dying daily in our shelters. I think it's important to convince others to write about this situation. The more people who write, the more the message will spread.

Today, I wrote about the Hayden Law and another article about Peaches and Tiger, two pit bulls who are at the Lancaster shelter. A family cannot get their dogs back, because the impound fees total over $500. This is a direct case of too much government control and not enough support.

These dogs probably had a decent home and were doing just fine, but now are languishing in a high kill facility, the clock ticking.

Luckily, Sheilah at Mutt Match is heading up the movement to get them some donations and hopefully interest an accredited rescue group to take them.

The other article I wrote was about the Hayden Law. It seems some of these shelters are taking the law into their own hands...literally.

A year ago, Lt. Orman at the Antioch shelter killed two pet dogs. Why, because he could. The man, like the owners of Tiger and Peaches, begged the shelter to return his dogs. Turned out, he was a neighbor to the animal control supervisor at Antioch and she did not want the dogs returned. A 501(c)(3) stepped forward to take the dogs and was turned down, the dogs killed. This is in direct violation of the Hayden Act.

We are in deep trouble when an appointed official can disregard the law. Period.

We are in deep trouble anyway.