Fix San Francisco Facebook page has gathered some alarming and terrifying statistics which conjure up images from Denver's mass pit bull slaughter in which nearly 3500 family pets were removed from their homes and killed.
"It's hard to read page after page of Pit Bull-type dogs that were killed at Animal Care & Control San Francisco (SF ACC). "
"If San Francisco took a targeted, humane approach to addressing this issue through dog training classes, accessible and low-cost spay/neuter, other pet retention programs, effective return to guardians, effective adoption, foster, and rehabilitation programs (rather than breed specific legislation - BSL). THIS would end the mass killing of Pit Bull - type dogs at SF ACC and virtually end the killing of dogs at SF ACC ! In addition,The San Francisco SPCA puts only a few up for adoption (relaying a message that they are not good dogs) and recommends not using the "pit bull" label."

Brown recently retired with benefits and is soon to be replaced with another highly paid official. According to a source with ties to SFACC, "they just hired Kat Brown's replacement as deputy director and apparently he is some "20-year suit" from city hall with ZERO shelter experience. Status Quo obviously wants to keep it that way."
While a half million with benefits for performing a city job might not seem bloated, when considering most of the inventory is being euthanized, the disbursement of these funds is questionable...and disturbing. When the director Rebecca Katz was heard laughing about killing puppies on a recent appearance on the Monty Show, we didn't get the joke. There is nothing funny about killing dogs and even less humor when it's learned how fat the pay stub is.
After the shelter's recent schedule closing on Sundays and Mondays, the employees have a much shorter work week. Ideally, this kind of money would buy a program with vision about solutions, not killing. When your hiree helped write the BSL adopted by the city's SB861, based on Kory Nelson's Denver legisilation.....well, you get what you pay for and in this case, that's a lot of dead pit bulls.
It's time for a change. It's time to stop the killing. Pit Bull Nation states that were there actually this number of 'behavior' statistics as reported by SFACC, there would be dire need for emergency assistance. Many of the dogs termed 'behavior' on San Francisco ACC statistics were owned pets which does not add up. Why do more 'behavior' cases seem to be located in San Francisco than elsewhere?
One fact is certain. There are groups like Fix San Francisco and San Francisco Pit Bull Watcher who are doing just that....we are watching you, San Francisco.
What they did to Charlie and David alone was enough for me to know these people should never have been allowed to have anything to do with handling animals. I tell everyone I know how horrible San Francisco is for dogs and their owners. I periodically mention it on my Facebook page and have even contacted companies that have scheduled events in SF or have announced they may open a new business there. Dog owners should know the truth before they move there.