What 31,935 people who 'like' the Houston SPCA on Facebook don't seem to realize is a sad fact about killing at this facility. Had Sapphire been a pit bull or pit bull mix puppy, she would have been killed as are all pit bulls at Houston SPCA.
The facility is marketing this puppy as an abuse case and asking for help from the community. While efforts to save any animal is applauded, why aren't all animals being cared for by the organization thriving on 10 million dollars per year in donations?
A page questioning the practices of Houston SPCA has been created on Facebook called
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This is no name pittie killed at Houston SPCA |
We tried to save this beautiful stray Houston pit bull a couple of years ago whose grave error was to wander up to the wrong house for a drink of water. The man who furnished her with that last drink of water believed everything he saw on Houston SPCA Animal Cops, the long running television show. He believed that all animals were saved at this organization.
This pit bull along with hundreds, thousands of other pit bull dogs are routinely killed at this facility.
Please visit No Name Pittie Will Die at Houston SPCA and share your thoughts. The lawyer for animal abuser Leah Purcell and Spindletop has tried to put a stop to Pit Bulls and Other Animals and American Pit Bull Examiner articles about Houston SPCA and Spindletop abuse. We will continue to report any and all animal cruelty and abuse and the needless killing of America's native dog breed at this high dollar institution.
Sign the petition to fire Patti Mercer and investigate Houston SPCA: Until the killing stops, Houston SPCA is no better than Denver.
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Stop the pit bull killing at Houston SPCA |
As a pit owner I'm appauld by this...especially with my brother and sister in law moving to Houston
ReplyDeleteIt's not the dead we need to fear but the freaking idiots that killed them. Poor babies! To the evil humans who did this....May you and everyone who looks like you rot in hell. You deserve a life of misery and I'm sure Karma will feed it to you. May I add that I pray Karma wins....you rotten nasty bastards. There is a special place in hell for you all!!!!
ReplyDeleteRight on.....I agree 100%....
DeleteIf the killing won't stop maybe at least the LYING to the public can. No Kill is an alternative the Houston SPCA ignores. The outcries for financial support from the community while hiding their actual methods & procedures is fraudulant and CRIMINAL.
ReplyDeleteHouston does not adopt out pibbles or rotties to the public... not even a pup :( It really sucks
ReplyDeleteEnd this senseless slaughter NOW.
ReplyDeleteThis just breaks my heart and needs to stop now
ReplyDeletei do not approved the killing but there is the other side and to appreciate it can only be done by breaking off an attack by two pitbull on a child.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with a statement like this is that you are judging the entire breed by what you experienced with those 2 dogs. It's wrong to do so. It's wrong to kill all pitbulls without regard for personality, demeanor or behavior. Dogs - all dogs - are as individual as people. There is no blanket statement. Yes there are inherent traits but no blanket personality guidelines. I have been in dog rescue and rehabilitation for over 10 years and I will tell you condemning an entire breed based on the actions of a few is a slippery slope.
Deleteqwer, are you speaking from experience, or just adding this for the drama effect?
DeleteI have been bit by small dogs many times. I believe all small dogs should be put down. They have the largest attack ratio compared to pit bulls and yet no small dogs are put down that's just discrimination towards the bully breed. The dog has no fault its the owners who are not responsible
Deletepit bulls are very loving dogs, the ones that have been aggressive is because of the way their owner treated and/or taught them. This should be ruled as animal cruelty.
ReplyDeleteThis dog's r good It's juts the owner's, these dog's can love an be loved they r protector's just like every other dog I know that they are other dog's that do get put down an they r not pit's. No matter it is wrong to kill this dog's they didn't ask for this. So please stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy little fat Colby Pit is the most loving dog I have ever met - This is just terrible.
ReplyDeletethe endless killing of ALL pit's is BS...there is no need for it...they can be placed in good and loving homes if the people working at the so called shelter would only look and screen people....makes me sick of all the killing...
ReplyDeleteWhen was the last time you donated your time, supplies, and heart? when was the last time you worked in a shelter cleaning up fecal matter, blood and vomit. when was the last time you had to pick maggots off an animal, or clean worms from their anal area, or the infections off their faces and skin? When was the last time you donated your time to educate society about spaying and neutering? Backyard breeders and irresponsible pet owners are the cause of these deaths, not the SPCA. All shelters do the best they can, yes, sometimes bad decisions are made, but unless you are there, you are in it, and you experience life in these shelter's you shouldn't be so judgmental. Educate yourselves and wake up. Are any of your dog's champion line show dogs? or did you support a puppy mill and backyard breeder, most people have no idea where their pet may have really come from that you paid for. buying dogs encourages breeding and over population. Its so easy to stand back and blame others. Get out there, volunteer in a shelter, see how long you last, and I am positive your view will change.
DeleteWell I will tell you I have been a volunteer at several of my area shelters. I HAVE cleaned up shit, vomit and blood. I HAVE held dogs as they take their last breath because they come in ill beyond help or because they were used as bait-dogs. I HAVE donated my time, money and most importantly my heart as all of my dogs are rescues. NONE, do you hear me, NONE of those things are reasons to condemn an entire breed without giving them a chance. BSL is not helping - trying to find homes for dogs, adoption events, etc - that is helping. Simply killing anything that looks like a pitbull out of ignorance and fear is just that - IGNORANT.
DeleteWhen a pit bull attacks, the injury inflicted may be catastrophic. First responders, such as police officers and firefighters, understand this as do members of the media, who are quick to report these attacks. Ongoing social tension also keeps pit bulls in the news. The pit bull problem is nearly 30-years old.8 In this time, most lawmakers have been "too afraid" to take breed-specific action to correct the problem. Due to this failure, horrific maulings continue to make headlines.
ReplyDeleteAbout half of all media reports regarding pit bulls involve police officers shooting dangerous pit bulls in the line of duty.9 Since the late 1970's pit bulls have been used extensively in criminal operations for drug dealers, gang members and other violent offenders. The pit bull terrier is the breed of choice for criminals. This choice is directly linked to the pit bull's selectively bred traits of robust jaw strength, a deadly bite style, tenacity (gameness) and a high tolerance to pain.
As an emergency physician (I am also an owner of large dogs) working on a young victim changes your perspective about any aggressive dogs. Yes I blame the breeder and the owner and they should be prosecuted to the max but should society allow aggressive animals of any breed to attack and hope they can be rehabilitated?
The worse bite I ever received, Dr., was from a springer spaniel, not a pitbull. As a mater of fact I proudly own a pitbull and I dont worry about him as I am a responsible dog owner. If you do some research you will find that in the bite statistics, chihuahuas and labs bite more people than pitbulls.
DeleteKennel manage Lopez,good that you are a responsible owner. The bite of a chihuahua can not be compare to the bite of a large dog which can inflict cuts and lacerations, abrasions, crushing wounds, punctures and fractured bones. These wounds can often result in disfiguring scars or even become fatal.
DeleteWhen victims are brought often followed by law enforcement and in their reports also often include statements from owners who also felt/claimed that they were very responsible. Many of these owners are the parents of children brought in. I need to do no research all animals will bite for whatever reason triggers them to, Medical reports must be precise and the top contenders of the attacking animal of the victims brought to the medical facility I work in are:
- Pit Bull
- Rotweilers
- German Shepherds
- Huskies
- Doberman Pinschers
- Chow Chows
And of course the smaller breeds also make the reports.
So basically what we're saying is kill anything larger than a chihuahua because it can bite me harder - which is already common sense. Do people not understand that it's not the dog that's the problem? It's the uneducated person on the other end of the leash? Dogs are not born knowing how to behave, what's expected of them, what's acceptable. The problem is people get a dog, throw it in the back yard, don't socialize it or teach it any manners, don't expose it to different situations and then expect the dog to be perfectly fine with a stranger coming on property or with being manhandled.
DeleteIt is common sense and sad that you have to point out that larger dogs cause larger damage - DUH! But that does not in any way excuse the killing off of large dogs! Does that even make sense? When we dig deeper into the reports of these "responsible" families, most of the time you'll find these were not loved family member but lawn ornaments. Simply providing food and water does NOT a stable dog make. If you can not devote time to your pet, large or small, then they shouldn't get one. Period.
"...And of course the smaller breeds also make the report."
DeleteIve done pit bull rescue for six years. Over 100 bullies saved. Ive been bitten five times...a king charles cavalier mix, a golden retriever,a chihuahua, a chow and a manchester terrier. What people dont get is the media hypes all pit bull attacks, 9 out of 10 times, if a dog attacks someone or something, the breed is not mentioned unless it is a pit bull. All dogs are capable of biting, all breeds will attack. The only thing that varies is what triggers it and how people react.
ReplyDeleteAnd Ana Marie? Working at a shelter doesnt give anyone a right to euthanize every dog they think might be a certain breed. If they are euthanizing all dogs for space, health or behavioral that's one thing. Dog genocide is completely different.
ReplyDeletecan some one answer this why is a spca killing these dogs and why there not looking for homes for the this hurts me really bad.support of these dog and fine them home there is a lot of people then are looking for a pets but all there doing is killing them it don't mater if there pit bulls and labs and many more so grow the f... up
ReplyDeleteThis is just outrages and despicable! I am a pit owner and can not believe this appalling behavior by our shelters!
noun: shelter; plural noun: shelters
a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger.
a place providing food and accommodations for the homeless.
an animal sanctuary.
synonyms: sanctuary, refuge, home, haven, safe house; More
harbor, port in a storm;
a shielded or safe condition; protection.
synonyms: protection, cover, screening, shade; More
safety, security, refuge, sanctuary, asylum
protect or shield from something harmful, esp. bad weather.
synonyms: protect, shield, screen, cover, shade, save, safeguard, preserve, defend, cushion, guard, insulate
protected, screened, shielded, covered;
find refuge or take cover from bad weather or danger.
synonyms: take shelter, take refuge, seek sanctuary, take cover; More
prevent (someone) from having to do or face something difficult or unpleasant.
secure, safe, quiet, protect
I think you all need to give a little credit where credit is due...how is it that you all demonize the shelter without a word about the breeders? Go look on Houston craigslist if you want to see the true cause of this heartbreak. Then blame the breeders! If there were a manageable amount of homeless pit bulls, I could understand your ire, but they make up the majority of animals taken in that would only be adoptable in many cases after strict assessment and re-training. It seems a lot of you are not aware of the scope of Houston's overpopulation problem... the place where I would put the fault is on Animal Control not busting these unscrupulous money hungry breeders.
ReplyDeleteNow, Mr. TXBob I must agree with you Sir.
DeleteDespite substance abuse lake charles increase, little research is being done on adolescent substance abuse treatment and prevention. Without additional prevention and treatment resources, the child welfare system will continue to wage a war against substance abuse that it cannot win.
ReplyDeleteThe number of puppy adoptions and those of adult dogs is staggering. The reasons why dogs in general end up in local shelters are heartbreaking. Some are abandoned, others come from puppy mills, there are a few who got lost and have no ID tags, and many are abused beyond belief. Most of the dogs in shelters are a little older, but you can still find a puppy there that needs your love and care. In adopting a puppy, there are a few questions that you should consider. Chihuahua puppies for sale