There is a gigantic pet ranch here in Austin which has banned pit bulls. According to their site:
EFFECTIVE April 9, 2008, DogBoy's Dog Ranch is no longer accepting new Pit Bulls or Pit Bull Mixes. This includes the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and American Staffordshire Terrier breeds. They are still allowed on the property for training classes, private lessons and wellness treatments.
Well, hmmm. Wonder why a big old 'pet ranch' where all the dogs run free and happy, pit bulls are not allowed. Mind you, they are allowed to attend training classes. My question is why would you attend training classes at a place which doesn't allow pit bulls?
Look what this nice person wrote:
doggirl would like to share this review with you:
DogBoy's Dog Ranch
Reviewed by Cindy M.
Boy, this sounds like a wonderful place to board your's too bad my precious dogs are not welcome there. Even though I've spent thousands of dollars training my pit bull mixes with one of the best trainers in the United States, these loving animals are not welcome at DogBoy's. I am curious, as a rescuer, how DogBoy's gets their there an breed expert on their staff. I moved my rescue from California due to breed specific legislation back home to Texas where I thought all dogs were welcome. This is how breed specific legislation rears its ignorant racist head...
I am reading you cannot control all of the dogs at this facility, but you will still take money for training them? Correct me if I'm wrong...
What's next? No Shepherd mixes?
Why not open a cat ranch...oh, no, those nasty brown tabbies might try to get in....
"EFFECTIVE April 9, 2008, DogBoy's Dog Ranch is no longer accepting new Pit Bulls or Pit Bull Mixes. For over 12 years we have defended the Pit Bull breed and accepted them in our facility without hesitation. However, after recent injuries inflicted by this breed we are no longer able to accommodate them for boarding or day care. They are still allowed on the property for training classes and private lessons.
For some mixes that have some of the same characteristics as a Pit Bull, the same policy can apply. This policy is to protect YOUR pet - Pit Bulls and non Pit Bulls alike."
I am reading you cannot control all of the dogs at this facility, but you will still take money for training them? Correct me if I'm wrong...
What's next? No Shepherd mixes?
Why not open a cat ranch...oh, no, those nasty brown tabbies might try to get in....
"EFFECTIVE April 9, 2008, DogBoy's Dog Ranch is no longer accepting new Pit Bulls or Pit Bull Mixes. For over 12 years we have defended the Pit Bull breed and accepted them in our facility without hesitation. However, after recent injuries inflicted by this breed we are no longer able to accommodate them for boarding or day care. They are still allowed on the property for training classes and private lessons.
For some mixes that have some of the same characteristics as a Pit Bull, the same policy can apply. This policy is to protect YOUR pet - Pit Bulls and non Pit Bulls alike."
Note: This was written by Doggirl...ME!! I AM Doggirl. I happened to notice Mrs. DogBoy at the ranch calls herself Doggirl. Allow me to correct you, Mr. and Mrs. DogBoy .... you are hereby requested to relinquish the name DogBoy and Doggirl.
Only people who love ALL dogs are allowed to be called Dogboy and Doggirl...ok? I am Doggirl. That name is taken, so find another name like Alldogsbutpitsboy or Idon'tknowhowtotraindoggirl...something more appropriate.
Note the line about mixes...FYI, Mr. and Mrs. DogBoy, pit bull is not a breed and NOT capitalized. Your trailer park is showing. If you're going to breed specify, at least spell it right.
The other day, I ran into someone who attends DogBoy Dog Ranch on a regular basis for classes. I was subjected to a homogenized DogBoy Dog Ranch diatribe about dog behavior. Word to the wise, never listen to dog training from anyone who doesn't like or know how to train pit bulls.
During the entire discourse, I watched the forty some-odd dogs running about nosing, playing, jostling one another. I watched all of the dogs at play, half of whom were once Reunion dogs and some still are. I thought how beautiful they were and how they give essence to the name Reunion Rescue, a true reunion with their honor and their breed as America's first native dog.
I am so very grateful to be able to know these wonderful dogs who aren't welcome at 'the ranch'.
I pity the fool who don't get the joke. Shame on you, DogBoy.
Not to breed specify, but pit bull breeds are very simply the most trainable dog breed to be had. Hands down. If you call yourself a dog trainer and cannot train a pit bull, you really should find another means of making a living. You are not a dog trainer or behaviorist...even if you sent off for the fancy certificate. I can recommend a use for that.
I am so very grateful to be able to know these wonderful dogs who aren't welcome at 'the ranch'.
I pity the fool who don't get the joke. Shame on you, DogBoy.
Doggirl...the ONE and ONLY
Girl, a champion American pit bull |
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